Stiperstones’ Harvest Celebrations at Holy Trinity Church

This morning, Stiperstones were enthusiastic and privileged to being attending a church service for the first time in almost two years. The atmosphere in Holy Trinity Church was up lifting and joyful- it was a delight to see so many parents, carers and guardians in attendance.

During the service, Stiperstones performed a pieced called ‘The Flying Pizza’ focusing on the importance of ‘food miles’ and how a pizza from a local shop or take away shop- isn’t from ‘just around the corner.’

As a class, we explored how our food is transported around the globe and researched the importance of shopping locally and buying fair trade products.

All children represented the school extremely well and made myself and Mrs Walmsley very proud.

I would just like to say a huge thank you to all parents, carers and guardians, who kindly donated food for our class hamper. The hamper was greatly received by the church, and will be greatly appreciated by those at the local food bank.