Summer Term

Welcome back to the Summer Term! We hope that you had a good Easter and are now refreshed and looking forward to the third term back.
We are very excited about our new topic which is ‘London’s Calling’. Throughout this topic we will be looking at diary writing, studying the Victorian Era in history and reading the book ‘Oliver Twist’. We will also be learning a script to perform the end of term Y5/6 play.
In English, we will be writing an adventure story and exploring the descriptive features in diary writing.
In maths, we will be working on a wide range of areas including place value, decimals, fractions, percentages, statistics and problem solving.
We will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If for some reason PE kit needs to go home over the weekend, correct kit must be back in on Monday morning. It is compulsory for children to participate in PE and kits should be in school at all times. PE kits will be sent home at half term.
I expect your child to read every day at home. Reading records and books need to be in school every day. The children are also expected to write in their Reading Record themselves explaining what they have read. Comments such as:
‘I have read 3 pages of Horrid Henry tonight. Henry was really mean to Peter, again. I think he is going to get into trouble with his parents.’
‘I really enjoyed reading Horrid Henry because I love reading about the mischief Henry gets up to.’
Spellings and homework will be sent home on Monday. Your child is expected to learn these and complete homework at home ready for a spelling test on Monday morning and for homework to be marked.
Home learning this term will be a Victorian Project. They are to research (this can be done at school if the internet is not available) Oliver Twist or The Victorians and create anything they would like. This could be a written project, a PowerPoint presentation, a model, anything! Projects need to be in by Friday 14th June.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks,

Mr Dickson, Miss Scoltock and Miss Richards