Welcome back Stiperstones

We have had an amazing start to the new term in Stiperstones. Mrs Taylor and I have been impressed with the children’s attitudes to work, behaviour and their ability to adapt to the new school day.

We have started our new topic ‘Stargazers’ and have carried out a lot of research about Earth and Space. This week we have began to look at the famous anthomania, Galileo Galilei.

In English and PSHE- we have been studying the book- Here We Are (which is a book the whole school are studying together.) The children have all produced some fantastic work.

Our class novel this half term is ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. The children have made predictions about the novel and enjoy reading together at the end of the day.

Our new topic in RE is Sikhism and we have been finding out about how this religion started and retelling the story of Guru Nanak.

Our PE day is going to be on a Thursday. The children will be having their PE lesson with Mr Smith from The Wright Way. This half term they will be participating in activities to develop their motor skills. The children need to come dressed for PE on this day and make sure they have a labelled water bottle.

Earth and Space is our Science topic this half term, linking to our Topic work. We have been looking at how day and night is formed. The children on Monday had great fun tracking the Earth’s movements through measuring and drawing their shadows at different times of the day.

Finally- Maths lessons have been very productive. The children have enthusiastically approached their work on place value.

I have been very proud of the start all children have made to their Y5 and Y6 journey in Stiperstones. Keep up the hard work and great attitude to learning.