Hello all. What another busy week we have had in nursery, continuing looking at our class book crocodile creek. We have been making lots of art and crafts from the animals in the story. We have talked about turtles, and crocodiles and had water play with sea creatures and it was the colour blue. We have made bridges and creeks in a tuft tray. We have explored outdoors continually increasing our physical development skills, independence and social and emotional skills.
At snack time we have been buttering our own crackers, pouring our own drinks and making choices as to what we would like.

We have had some more new starters trying out and they are beginning to settle and follow nursery routines. Here are some pictures from our week. Next week Miss Rowley will be joining the nursery team in the mornings.

Thanks for your continued support for your children. They re doing wonderfully and continuing to develop their all round development. Please help support their independence and share any interests that your children may have.

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar and Mrs Dallow.