Happy Monday

Morning Stiperstones

Good morning – I do hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!
In Literacy today, we are going to read the next chapter of The Suffragettes on Purple Mash and then complete some activities based around what you have read. In today’s chapter, George, the butcher’s boy, is hurrying to finish his round when he sees a suffragette arrested for smashing a shop window, instantly recognising her from her hat.
For the extended writing: Anyone over eighteen has the right to vote, but some people believe that the voting age should be lowered. Use the template to prepare for a debate on this issue.
If you can’t get onto Purple Mash and have the pack then you can start on task 1 – Advertise your town.
Maths – Lesson 4 – Which is attached .Lesson-4-Y5-Summer-Block-1-WO4-Adding-decimals-crossing-the-whole-2020
Science is on the Website- Call for all citizen scientists to count insects.
Scientists are urging us to count and send pictures of insects they spot outside. (See the link for further details.   It would be great to see some of your photographs of what you have found in your garden. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52414876