A week in Hawkstone

Just wanted to say a huge well done to all the children for completing a number of assessments this week. You have all worked exceptionally hard and persevered.

Star of the week-

Georgia- This week we have focused on our presentation and handwriting and Georgia has worked hard to improve the size of her writing and the letter formation. Well done

This week we have been understanding more about our feelings and what colour each feeling is to us.

In computing we have been learning about output and input devises and how to record our voices.

We have been busy planning our designs for our stocking and will be completing the final stage next week with the help of our Holy Trinity Heroes- sewing team.


In PE, we have now completed the dance unit with a WW2 theme. The final week was the mourning after the battle scene. The children worked together to add emotion and feelings to the scene and perform a canon ( a routine where each person takes it in turn to repeat the action) .




Finally, we have been learning our class song for the church service. Please see link below to continue to learn the song – we three kings:
