Additonal Ideas – Science

Move like a Mini Beast!

Go on a mini beast hunt if you can. Look under leaves, rocks and logs – what minibeasts (insects) do you find?

If it is not possible to go out on a hunt, look in books or online. Discuss the various mini beasts – what do they look like? How do they move?

Now challenge your child to move like the mini beasts:

  • Scuttle like a spider
  • Slither like a snail
  • Hop like a cricket or grass hopper
  • Creep like a caterpillar
  • Flutter like a biutterfly
  • Buzz like a bee.

You could extend this by turning it into a game of charades. Your child acts out being a minibeast and you have to guess which mini beast they are!


Can your child draw any of the mini beasts they have found? Can they label their pictures?