Another busy week in Hawkstone

Another wonderful week and we have been busy with many different lessons.

Pshe this week (for year 4) is based on online respect where we discussed many scenarios and how to deal with online bullying.

In English, we have been learning about Annie Taylor – the lady who successfully plunged over Niagara Falls in a barrel. On Monday we will be writing a character description. We have been using a dictionary to understand new  words for descriptions.

In Geography, we used maps and atlases to identify where in the world rainforests  are focusing on the equator and the tropics. We have also been learning the different between tropical and temperate rainforests and the climates of each.


PE this week was very active where children have been learning how tag in tag rugby, the children had to work with a partner to attack and defend their tags.

And finally in art, we have focused on an artist called Sol Lewitt, who creates are by following rules. This is called wall drawing  #118. 

Im exhausted just thinking about all the work we’ve covered and the fun we’ve had.