Autumn Time in Nursery!

We have ended the half term by learning about Autumn and Harvest.

The children have been on an Autumn walk to the forest area where they had a snack and collected some leaves, conkers and acorns. We looked at the items we collected using magnifying glasses.

Some of our families joined us for our Autumn Inspire Day where they joined the children in making scarecrows and Autumn sun catchers and printing using vegetables.

We are very proud of how well the children have settled and adapted to all the different events which they have taken part in during the half term. They have joined whole school assemblies and special events in the hall where they have listened and sat amazingly well.

The children’s behaviour has been great and the majority of the children end the session on the ‘tip top’ of our ‘Behaviour Rocket’.

We are looking forward to the next half term when we will be learning about festivals and celebrations; starting with ‘Bonfire week’.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby.