Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Please listen to Chapter 5 above, if you would like to read the Chapter please see the document below.

THE IRON MAN Chapter 5

We are now on the last chapter of the book. In todays lesson I would like you to write a diary entry as if you were Hogarth, you will need to reflect on the story to recall the events that have taken place so far. Remember to use Full stops, Capital letters and past tense.

Based on the day that he first set eyes on The Iron Man. Think about how he would be feeling that night….excited? Worried? Anxious? What happened  the next morning?


Monday 25th January 2021

On Monday I was out fishing when I came across a huge iron beast, I was so scared, I had never seen anything so big before. The first thing I did was run back to our farm to tell my dad; I was so nervous he was not going to believe me…


Dairy Entry Work Sheet


Have a look at these useful tips to help you write your diary entry.

Click to enlarge. 

Have a look at the video below for some tips on what you need to include.