Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please listen to Chapter 2 from the video above. If you would like to read the chapter, I have attached it below:

Chapter 2 Iron man

Today you will be creating your own Iron man. Please think back to yesterday’s lesson to help you. You will need to include:

  1.  What he looks like? (Body parts/ how many and where?… Remember he is made from iron)
  2.  Who made your Iron Man and what materials they used? (Doctor, Scientist, Farmer,  Mechanic ETC)
  3.  What special skills does your Iron Man have / what makes him unique or different from others

Model below:

  • Two electrical eyes that glow green.
  • Tractor eating Iron Man with mighty, strong, tough arms that can destroy houses.
  • His handle like ears can hear from 50 miles away and move when he hears something suspicious.
  • He has gloomy white eyes and if you stare at them he will become frustrated.
  • His body is really rusted and is starting to fall apart.
  • Massive, heavy feet as hard as a shield and a head as firm as a boulder.


We will be junk model making our own Iron Man next week so keep you eyes peeled and start collecting whatever you have at home.

Please see worksheet attached below.

Iron man Worksheet