English Home Learning Week Commencing 9th November

Our class text is ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. I hope that you have been able to either read a copy of the book or listen to it on You Tube: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=georges+marvellous+medicine&adlt=strict&view=detail&mid=BA8FEB9622F320F72938BA8FEB9622F320F72938&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dgeorges%2Bmarvellous%2Bmedicine%26FORM%3DHDRSC3


Here are some questions to ask your child about the story:

Questions to ask George:
How do you feel when you are left alone
with Grandma?
Why do you think Grandma is so grumpy all
the time?
Why do you think Grandma speaks to you
the way she does?
Why did you run into the kitchen and slam
the door?
If you could describe your Grandma in three
words, what would they be?

Questions to ask Grandma:
Why are you so grumpy all the time?
Why do you sit in that chair by the window?
Why do you say cruel things to George?
What is your medicine for?
If you could describe your grandson in three
words, what would they be?


Talk about the book with your child and discuss their answers. Encourage your child to write their answers in full sentences.


We have been learning about adjectives (describing words) in class. Look at these and circle the adjectives which could describe Grandma and underline the adjectives which could describe George:


Write a description of George. You could use some of the adjectives you sorted yesterday. Remember to start every sentence with a capital letter and a full stop.


Write a character description of Grandma, again you could use some of the adjectives you circled on Wednesday.


Complete the quiz on Purple Mash based on this weeks spellings (they are under the spelling tab)