Ercall’s first half term 2021 💫

I just wanted to say what a wonderful first half term all the children have had. They have all worked exceptionally hard, showed perseverance and determination.

We have worked hard to complete our Place Value unit in maths and next moving on to Addition  and Subtraction. We wrote a letter from the perspective of a Roman soldier, and have a greater understanding about life before the Romans and the Roman invasion. After half term, we will be be learning more about the Roman Empire and famous emperors.

In science, Year 4s have been learning all about living things and their habitats with an end project of making hedgehog houses and Year 3 learning about light.

It was lovely to see so many of you at parents evening and the ones who I didn’t manage to catch, I do hope we can meet soon.

Have a lovely half term and please all keep safe.