Ercall’s superstars ⭐️

What a wonderful week, we started off by writing a letter based on our book ‘Escape from Pompeii’. The children have been learning to include past tense verbs with a focus on the destruction of the city and its effects on the Roman citizens. We have also been editing and improve our work to up level our sentences.

To finish off a wonderful music unit ‘Reggae’ with a focus on 3 little birds by Bob Marley. We have learnt to play cords on the glockenspiel alongside the song.

In science, year 4 have been learning about conductors and insulators, testing different metals with the aim of lighting the bulb. We were able to also test other objects to see the effects of insulators on a light bulb 💡

As part of our PE unit, we have been mastering our forward rolls, something which some of us found difficult in lesson one. The children have preserved to achieve a successful forward roll.

For our Art unit this week the aim was observational art, what fantastic end results.