Happy Birthday Trinity Ted!

In Nursery we have had a busy week doing lots of activities to prepare and celebrate Trinity Ted’s Birthday.

We talked about what we would need for the birthday celebrations. The children took turns to write their ideas on the birthday cake.

During Maths activities the children made play dough birthday cakes. They took turns to roll the dice, count the spots or recognise the numeral and then selected the correct amount of candles to put onto their play dough cake.

The children made birthday cards for Trinity Ted. They drew pictures on the cards and wrote their name inside. They then put the card inside an envelope and gave it to Trinity Ted.

Following on from the children’s interest in balloons we completed a science experiment using white vinegar and baking powder to inflate a balloon. The children thought it was “Really cool”.

We are looking forward to a busy ‘Space Week’ next week!

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby