Harvest week in Earls Hill

Earls Hill Newsletter and Overview

Autumn Term Letter 1 Earls Hill

EH overview A 1



Congratulations Maraya- our Star of the Week!

What a wonderful week we have had! We are all so proud of the children who took park in our Harvest festival service at Holy Trinity Church this week. Have a look at a video of their song on our school Facebook page.

The children have enjoyed ‘harvesting’ apples and pears from our garden.

We have been busy finding out more about the local are where we live and we all created a map of our journey to school.

Map making

Creating a 3-Dmap using the blocks

And who loves ‘Dough Disco’?

Our Reception children of course!

Don’t forget that you are invited to attend one of our parent/carer Phonics information sessions next week. They are being held on Monday at 9am and Wednesday at 5.30pm. If you are unable to make it please let me know and we can arrange an alternative.

Have a wonderful weekend.