Hawkstone News

⭐️Well done to Nayden  who is our star of the week ⭐️

His maturity and positive attitude to learning has been evidence in each and every lesson. Such a lovely smile everyday. Well done

In geography, we have been researching city  landmarks, we then made a comparison with London and Paris.

For PE, we have been learning about different skills needed for a range of activities. We have been working systematically.

For science, we have been learning about The Water Cycle. We conducted 2 experiments. One learning about precipitation and one where we made our own water cycle in a bag- we will observe this over time to see the outcome.

In comprehension, we have been modelling knowledge tests. This will be set as home work to enable the children to answer a selection of questions based on a text.

We have been looking at rights and responsibilities in PSHE. We discussed these giving examples of what they might look like in a real life situation.

Well done all for a fantastic week. As we approach the last week of the half term we are completing our units. We are in the middle of our independent write for English as can’t wait to share them with you.