Hawkstone News

⭐️ Well done to Ellie who is our first star of the week. 🌟

She has settled well into year 4 and has been a role model to the other children in the class. Well done.


This week we had our first pe sessions. We have football on a Tuesday and multi skills on a Friday. We rotated around the tasks and performed different skills- agility, balance and coordination.

Our geography unit is the local area. We recapped on what we knew about the world and then focused on our local area Oswestry. We used google maps to help us find familiar places such as our school, our home, shops and the supermarket.

Each year the children have the opportunity to become a member of the school council. They write a manifesto and present this to the class where they will vote for 2 members. The children did a fantastic job- we will announce the new members this week.