Hawkstone so far…..

Hawkstone have got off to a great start this year.

In English we have been writing letters. We decided to write to our friends in our class. We each chose a name from a hat, this was the person who we were going to write to. We planned our informal letter, wrote a first draft and edited it before writing it up neat in our books. We then wrote it on best paper, decorated it and put it in the envelope. We carefully wrote the address on the envelope to make sure the letters all arrived.

Last week, we all walked to the post box by Co-Op to post our letters. It was great fun and gave our learning real purpose.

Some of us have already received the letters. The children said they felt so happy and special when they received the letter.

We then went on to write a formal letter to Mr Dickson to tell him all about our topic – To Infinity and Beyond. The children tried very hard with their handwriting on this as they are hoping for a Pen License from Mr Dickson.

Thank you so much for the fabulous homework the children have completed. The rockets, planets and writing the children have produced are amazing!