Home Learning -Monday 15th June

Good morning!

I hope you are all safe and well!


Today we are working on expanding your vocabulary and forming super sentences. You are going to play a describing game! Here is a page of flowers: Woodland Flowers

Take turns looking at the flowers. Then secretly choose one. Keep the flowers on display. Use a super sentence to describe the flower. Make sure the sentences starts with “this flower has…” or “this plant has”. Try and encourage your children to steer clear of “boring” adjectives like “big” and “small”. Try and get them to use exciting words like “enormous” and “minuscule”!

This is all about expanding and challenging the language that they already have. It’s all verbal so you don’t have to write anything down. If you wanted to, you could write a list of WOW words that your child used. This could be used to support their writing next time. There’s an added bonus to this game: they start to learn the names of the flowers!


Year 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znwwg7h


So today we are going to play “I count, you count”. This time we are going to try counting backwards! Try starting at 10 first. This is because all the children will be able to do this. When you’ve tried this, have a go at starting at 5, 15, and even 20. 20 is quite difficult and the children may need to use a number line to support.

Extra Activities

Today I would like you to have a go at using nature as your paint brush. Collect a few dandelions or daisies or any thing else you might have spare and a few pieces of grass and have a go at painting using them as the brush.  Can you make some prints using leaves as well? Here are some pictures for inspiration!