Home Learning – Thursday 16th July


Can you believe it? You’ve all done so so well and we are so proud of you! Keep it up!


Today, imagine you are stranded on an island!









You need to write a message an put it in a bottle to let someone know that you need help!


You need to write:

Help me! From [then your name]

You can either have a go at writing it your self, copy it,  or write over an adult’s writing!


Have a go at writing a short note to anyone who might find your bottle! Try and write in a full sentence. You need to tell them that you are stuck on the island and you can’t get off! Don’t forget to write your name!


Write a letter to someone that finds your note. How do you start a letter? How do you finish a letter? Try and include as many details as possible. Some ideas of what to include might be: 

  • How did you get on the island?
  • When did you get to the island?
  • What were you planning on doing (had you not been stranded on the island).

Make sure you include: capital letters, finger spaces, full stops! 


For this you need some small shiny items to be treasure! (They can be anything small enough to be grabbed in handfuls: sweets, beads, coins)


Very simple activity! Pretend you are a greedy pirate. Grab a handful of “gems”. How many have you got? Can you carefully count them out and find the right numeral?


You need a dice to complete this activity (you can find a digital dice here

Roll your dice and grab that many “gems” like a greedy pirate. Repeat this action and add them together to find your total. 

Cheeky challenge: write the number sentence for your handfuls 


Just be a super greedy pirate and grab two handfuls of “gems”. 

Can you count out each handful separately and add them together? Now write the number sentence! 

Extra Activity: 

Create your very own treasure chest with an egg carton!