Home Learning – Tuesday 9th June

Hello Earl’s Hill!

We’ve finally got our friend the sun back a little bit today!


Today I would like you to have a go at answering the questions from yesterday. Make sure that your answers are full sentences and not just single words please! Here is a great websites to help you: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/animals/   or you can just type your question into google. Try not to use Siri or Alexa as there is no reading involved in this!

Adults, when researching with your children, try and allow them to do as much of it by themselves as possible. With Year 1, some children are able to read trickier texts – let them read the information! You can pin point where about in the articles the answer might be and allow them to find the information by themselves. Reception parents, you can do them same but more specifically – you can read the majority of the sentence and then allow the child to read one or two words themselves. This helps with their comprehension of the texts.


Year 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkvhscw


Today we are looking at “counting on”. This is where we add a number to another number but count on from the first number. For example 3 + 2 =    we start counting from 3 and add two more so 3 … 4, 5. The answer would be five. This is quite tricky from Reception but I believe they can do it with support.

So today’s activity is counting on practically. Collect some small items from nature or outside that you can count with (leaves, sticks, grass, dandelions). If you have dice you can use them to do this activity by rolling them for your numbers. If not, the adult will think of an addition question, like the one above.

The child needs to count out the both numbers of items. Encourage the child to hold the first number in their heads and count on for the second number. The aim is to not count from 1 each time.

Do a few questions with numbers under five until your child feels more confident.

Extra activity

Your extra activity today is to play a game of “What’s in the box?”. This is a game the children love in school! We hold our fist (the box) and we put a flat hand on top (the lid) and we say:

I have a box, here is the lid. Inside, my animal has… then we give a clue. We keep giving clues and the other people can guess each time until they get it right then we swap!

So I would like you to play this with the woodland animals that you sorted yesterday! You can include the pets as well.

The sort of clues you should be giving are: how many legs, what colour, where it lives, what it eats. This is a super fun game and should be played as such! You don’t have to do this one as a “home learning task”. Play it whenever during the day!

Have a lovely day!