Home learning work for this week

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are keeping yourselves safe.

I am attaching work to be completed over the next week. I have attached spellings for both Year 4 and Year 5. As normal, learn you spellings everyday, write them in sentences so you understand them in context (in you best handwriting). Ask someone to test you on your spellings next Monday.

year 4 5 spellings 30 03 2020

Next I have attached Maths – this is carrying on from multiplication and division. We will be recapping on the ‘bus stop method’ and learning division with remainders. See attached sheet for a video recapping and explaining division with remainders. I have attahed work for Year 4 and Year 5, Fluency, Reasoning, Sentence Stems and a Cheeky Challenge game at the end. This Maths lesson may take you a few days.

MATHS 4 5 Monday

Finally I am setting you 2 writing tasks.

One – Pobble 365, to recap on inverted commas and write a diary or a short story based on the image, complete  all the tasks assigned to the image.


Two – To watch 2 films throughout the week, take notes about what you observed, write 2 film reviews and create slide images of the films.




I also ask that you complete the Joe Wicks PE session daily, you need to subscribe to watch 9am – 9:30 am


Read every day for 20 minutes and write a short summary about what you have read. And if you complete a book, please take the AR quiz. To complete all tasks assigned on Mathleticcs as the due date is the 1st April. I will be awarding Mathletics certificates on a Friday – so keep your eyes peeled.

If you need any help or want to send me any pictures please send an email to: hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk with a comment of: I GIVE PERMISSION FOR THE IMAGES TO BE SHARED ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA.

Thank you for all you hard work and commitment in home learning and please keep safe.


division poster