It’s FriYAY!

It’s FriYAY!! Last day of term officially. Over the next few weeks I won’t be setting any weeks but I will be checking in to dojo every day as I love to hear from you regardless of the holidays! I also want your people at home to tell me if you aren’t being so well behaved so I can send you a message!!
Today I’d like you to go on Mathletics to try and beast the whopping 5000 points someone in the class has. We have got 13 certificates so far which is amazing! I know one class in Key Stage 2 only has 4 so you are doing amazingly well, I am very proud of you!
You can also type up your diary entry on Purple Mash for me to mark on there 🙂
This week I made play dough with my boys and they have loved it! It was sooooo easy so I am attaching the recipe for you. It says to use cream of tartar but I didn’t have any and it still works. I also put some nice lavender essential oils in it (to calm a certain 6 year old I have down – it hasn’t worked!) which made it smell amazing.

I have loved seeing the sandwiches you are making for Ms Salter – she loves a good sandwich so it’s interesting to see what fillings you are using.
Have a great day and I look forward to seeing everything you do today 🙂