Last week in Earl’s Hill!

Another crazy week in Earl’s Hill! In English, we’ve been looking at weather reports! Everyday we’ve been outside to report the weather. We’ve been comparing it to Kenya right and now and we’re surprised to find out that it’s only 2 degrees hotter there!

We have completed another super fun experiment! We tested different materials to find out which material would make the best road surface. We tested a fluffy rug, laminate flooring, tin foil and sand paper. We were brilliant at predicting whether they would work or not. We discovered that sandpaper was the best!

We even tried our hand at learning to play bongos! We could keep a brilliant beat!

In PHSE we talked about team work and the importance of communication. To demonstrate how crucial good communication is, we tied ourselves in knots!

To finish off a fabulous topic we had our incredible inspire afternoon! Thank you so much to all of the adults who came and made some beautiful masks with the children! They really are brilliant!