Laura’s Star – PSED

In literacy today your child thought about their family. Please now talk to your child about their friends. They are probably missing their school friends. Who are their friends? How do their friends make them feel? What will they do with their friends when they can meet up again? Please watch this lovely story about friendship.

Poor Laura was very lonely at the start of the story, but once she had made friends with the little star, she knew she didn’t need to be lonely anymore.

Please reassure your child that even though they may not be seeing their friends every day, their friends are still near by, keeping safe in their houses, with their families. Reassure them that one day they will see their friends again and they will be able to play together.

Some ideas to follow on….

Star Gazing

On a clear night, allow your child to stay up a little later and look at all the stars. Ask them to imagine that their friends are looking up at the stars too.

Special Story Time

Hide under a blanket and read a story by torch light with your child.

Make salt dough glitter stars  

Making salt dough is a really fun and easy activity for kids and the chances are you will have all of the ingredients in the cupboard ready to go on a rainy day. Children will love using their imaginations to create all sorts of exciting objects (although simple shapes do seem to work best) and hours of fun painting their creations, but do take care to remind little ones that the salt dough is not edible.

Makes 1 ball
Prep 10 minutes
Cook 3 hours
1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g)
half a cupful of table salt (about 125g)
half a cupful of water (about 125ml)
1. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting and line a baking sheet with baking parchment.

2. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Add the water and stir until it comes together into a ball.

3. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and shape into your chosen model. You can roll it out and cut out shapes, numbers or letters using biscuit cutters, or make any kind of model you can think of. We made some fruit and veg shapes plus cupcakes for a teddy bear’s picnic.
4. Put your finished items on the lined baking sheet and bake for 3 hrs or until solid.
5. Leave to cool and then paint.