This week I will be using a range of sites to set work.

  1. BBC BITESIZE –Please use BBC Bitesize, they have a range of lessons for you to work though, this is daily.


2.  Purple Mash – I have also set a number of 2Dos, these will embed what we have been learning in class:

  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Fronted adverbials
  • Correct punctuation with fronted adverbials

If you can try to complete all 2Dos by the end of the week.

3. Mathletics – I have assigned Year 4  and Year 5 work, linked to Place Value, again please try to complete these questions by Friday. There will be certificates for Mathletics on Friday.

4. At the minute life as we knew it seems so far away. I have been reading a number of articles about a newspaper called ‘The Happy News Newspaper’.

“Every single day there are people helping others and doing incredible things in all corners of the planet and the majority of them aren’t celebrated, but we think they deserve to be recognised. We aim to bring a refreshing twist on what we typically know as ‘news’, reporting on positive changes and truly inspiring people”.

I was intrigued by all the good that is going on in the world right now.


I would like to make a  Hawkstones contribution to the happy newspaper.

TASK – To research all the good in the world (lets make a positive out of a negative) and create a newspaper article  – see below. Our job is the share all the good in the world.
See link below for your happy news pack including the template for your own article.
You can print off the template or draw and make your own, when you have a finished article, please email them to hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk and we can share on the school website and even post to The Happy Newspaper.
Have a lovely week, I am in school Wednesday and Thursday so may be a little quiet on here. I will be sorting packs out so I will be in touch by telephone or email. If you do need to contact me please email or ring the school office.
Keep safe