Maths, English, Science home learning

I hope you all found BBC Bitesize good and easy enough to follow. I will be setting work for the next few days as I am in school Wednesday and Thursday.

I have set a few 2Dos on Purple Mash. Please try to complete a fact file about a number of famous people- Marie Curie and Charles Darwin. While looking through Purple Mash, I found a home learning activity page.  I have set 2 English activities. Please have a go and let me know what they are like. There are 2 sheet to accompany the work.

Grammar Printables Y5a – Parts of speech

Grammar Printables Y4c – Expanded noun phrases (1)

Also can I ask you to look back at the ART competition Mr Hughes posted. If you have any questions please contact myself at or Mr Hughes at


English Bitesize carry on from yesterday- year 5 it would be good if you can still recap year 4 Work ( you should be confident with fronted adverbials) . 

YEAR 4 To understand what fronted adverbials are and how to punctuate them correctly.

ACTIVITY 1 –  Complete this short activity by highlighting the fronted adverbials.

Remember: Fronted adverbials are used at the start of a sentence.



ACTIVITY 4 –  write six sentences about what happens in spring video using a fronted adverbial in every sentence.

YEAR 5 Learn how to use prepositions for effect in a setting description.

ACTIVITY 1 – highlight the prepositions in the text

ACTIVITY 2 – Think carefully about you can see. Write down five ideas.

3) Write three descriptive sentences about the image that include a preposition or prepositional phrase at the start of your sentence.


‘Far below the booming waterfall, a man stood staring at its enticing glow.’

‘High above in the twilight sky, the glowing light danced in the man’s eyes.’

Top tip!

  • Remember, prepositions or prepositional phrases can be used in different places within your sentences. In this example, a prepositional phrase has been used at the end of the sentence:

‘The dragon focused in on the cascading waterfall as he flew within the thick cloud’.

ACTIVITY 3 – A messy bedroom sheet A messy bedroom


Maths Bitesize carry on from today

YEAR 4 Learn how to multiply hundreds, tens and ones by ones

ACTIVITY 2 – Multiplying a 3-digit number by a 1 digit number

YEAR 5 Practise and become confident multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers using the formal method



Have a good few days and if anyone needs any more packs or work please contact me.

Keep safe.