Nursery Home Learning Ideas

Hi Nursery children and families,

I hope you are all having a lovely few days enjoying the sunshine.

I will be posting home learning ideas on this page. These are just ideas for you to use at home should you wish. The most important thing is that you stay well and enjoy your time together. If you would like to share any of the activities you’ve been doing at home I would love to see them. The contact email for Nursery is

To continue our topic of ‘Are eggs alive?’ this week our activities would have focused on weather and signs of spring. The home learning ideas for this week will coordinate with this.

As it is such lovely weather today you could go outside and look at shadows. You and your child could choose some toys they have, position them to make their shadow and draw around them. You could even draw around each other if you have big enough paper or chalk!

If you are going for a walk or out in the garden your child could take some photographs of what they can see or signs of Spring. They could draw a picture of what they have been doing or what they have seen. It would be great if you could send their creations or photographs to me using the Nursery email address.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea is being read live this afternoon at 2.15pm. You can access it through the facebook page of ‘Piper’s Passport’. This is a story that the children will be familiar with as we have have read it frequently in Nursery.

Hope you all have a lovely day!

Mrs Meddins