Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!


We started our day off with a trip to the RNLI lifeboat station with a guided tour of the new life boat and station. We gave a donation to the RNLI to say thank you for all the hard work they do.
We then went to the sea aquarium where we had a guided tour, a Plastic Pollution talk and even had time to touch a selection of marine creatures.

The children had a little treat where we bought them fish to feed the seals which was followed by a seal show.
After lunch we walked down to the beach where we took part in a beach clean up in partnership with SAS SURFERS AGAINST SEWAGE.
A huge thank you to SAS and Shropshire Council for providing us with the correct equipment.

The children had a fantastic time and even had time to collect 4 bags of rubbish (in 45 minutes).