Our happy place – Hawkstone class

Star of the week Teya

For her fantastic attitude to learning, not only does she show determination in everything she does but helps others. She shows perseverance in all areas of the curriculum and asks fantastic questions to challenge her learning.

In RE, for our Islam unit, we have been looking at the different artefacts associated to prayer. We then explained how they help Muslims focus their prayer to Allah.

In geography, we have been looking at the inner part of the Grand Canyon and what type of biome this is. We also looked at the climate, floral and animals which live here. We then made our own biome in a box and presented this to the class. We have also had a fantastic selection of home in, creating biomes in mine craft.

In computing, we have been using a new app called ‘Befunky’. This has enabled us to crop an image, change the colour setting and combine a set of images.

For maths, we have been using counter to help us divide a number by 1 and itself.


We have had a lovely day celebrating numbers day and raising more for the NSPCC.