Our week in Caradoc

We have had yet another busy week in Caradoc. In Maths, the children have been working with numbers up to 1000 creating their own number-lines and representing numbers in different ways using Base Ten apparatus. They have also been finding 100, 10 and 1 more or less than a number.

We are excited to be able to access our new online resource: TTRockstars. This is a fun way for children to improve their re-call of times tables facts. This week we have focused on the 10 times table and the children are all keen to achieve their first times table reward.

In Writing, the children have been planning a Stone Age adventure story, building on all the interesting facts they have been learning as part of our Tribal Tales topic. Science has also been linked to our topic and the children have enjoyed finding out more about fossils and trying to create their own!

Next week is Space week, so we are looking forward to taking part in some fun space themed activities. We also have our live author event on Wednesday with Baroness Floella Benjamin being streamed straight into our classrooms!


I would also like to remind everyone that we are using Class Dojo in school.  Your child has been given a letter with all details on to register and link your account with your child.  I have also sent out repeat letters today.

Please do register, this is a good way to communication as well as a way for you to see how your child is being rewarded in class each day.  If you are having difficulties registers, do let me know.  So far I still have 10  families unconnected.


Remember, we also have a class email address for you to contact me with any questions due to our contact on the door being minimal at the moment.

Thank you everyone for your ongoing support,

Have a lovely weekend!