Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee. The children are continuing to amaze us in their learning, enthusiasm and enjoyment.



This week in Maths we have been teaching Muddles the monkey how to count. Muddles has been very confused when he counts and so we have reminded him to move things when he counts, touch them when he counts and that the last number he says is how many there are altogether. We have joined in lots of marvellous maths learning including using counting wands to count the objects that we can’t touch or move:

We also had a picnic with Muddles and his friend Ted. We learned about big, small, bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest when we sorted the food for their picnic:



In Literacy we have been continuing our learning focused on ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story. We played ‘I Spy’ using items from a bakers shop and pretended to be the gingerbread man and acted out him running and talking. We did lots of Literacy activities and have enjoyed drawing gingerbread men and writing letters to the gingerbread man.




Mr Cartwright played some music for us on his guitar; we sang along to ‘Row, row, row your boat’, worked with a friend to pretend to row the boat and then had a turn at strumming the guitar:




Here are some highlights from our LEX time:




We are joining in dough disco twice every week. The children are thoroughly enjoying the moving and we have already seen great progress in the strength in their fingers and how they are holding mark making tools:

Have a lovely weekend,   

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen