Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had another busy week in Earls Hill. The children have been preparing for our ‘Carols around the Tree’ concert and are very excited about performing for parents and carers.

This half term we have been finding out about humans and other animals. The children have been particularly interested in finding out about what different animals eat and have spent some time looking at different animal teeth. This week the children have made animal teeth out of clay and there has been lots of talk about the different types of teeth and how they relate to different diets. Here are a few highlights:

The Year 1 children have really enjoyed their lessons with The Wright Way and their warm up session this week was led by our Holy Trinity Play Leaders which was a huge success:

The children have been designing a puppet with Mr Morgan and their creations are looking fantastic.

Can I ask that your child brings their book to school every day so that we are able to read with your child. Book will be changed every Friday. Thank you for your continued support.