Our week in Lawley!

We have had a couple of fantastic weeks in Lawley Class! In English, we have been preparing to write our journey stories. We have been roleplaying, brainstorming and practising our sentences.
In Maths, Y1s have been learning about numbers from 13-20. They have been showing different representations and answering tricky questions. Y2s have been doing addition and subtraction questions with 2-digit numbers! This has been really tricky but they have worked so hard!

In Science, Y1s have been learning all about the seasons. This has included learning how day and night happens across the world. Y2s have been doing an experiment with plants to see what conditions they need to grow.
We have loved our current Art module: we’ve been learning all about mono-printing! So far we’ve done roller printing and carbon paper printing to great success!

During our PHSE lessons, we’ve been learning about the human life cycle and about big and little feelings. We had two visits last week from the dogs trust and from St John’s ambulance. These were really interesting.