Remembrance and Interfaith week

This week we have been extremely busy working on artwork and poetry related to Remembrance and Interfaith.

In English we have learnt to write five line poems called Cinquains about Poppies. The children all worked hard to think of adjectives and verbs to describe poppies and counted the syllables in their words to write a poem with a strict syllable pattern. Lines one and five had 2 syllables, line two had 4 syllables, line three had 6 syllables and line four had 8 syllables. The poems were written in a diamond shape. There are some great examples in the photos below.

We linked our artwork to Science and explored what happened to wax crayons when we heated them. After the wax had melted into a liquid and cooled back into a solid sheet we cut out poppy shapes to decorate our group poppy wreaths.

As part of interfaith week we looked at how Christian soldiers were not the only soldiers to fight in World War 1 and 2. We looked at photos of Muslim and Sikh soldiers who fought for Britain and at poppies which commemorate soldiers from other religions. We created our own poppy art to remember soldiers from each of the faiths who fought in the wars.

Thank you very much to all of the children and families who created poppies as part of the home learning competition. Lots of you had worked hard at home to carry on our Remembrance learning. Well done to Georgie who won first place for her poppy craft and to Summer who won second prize for her poppy poem. So much hard work had clearly gone into these entries and they were beautiful to see and read.

Well done to all of the children for showing so much Respect this week for all those who served our country during the wars.