The Voyage of Discovery 👨‍✈️🚢

Haughmound enjoyed their visit last week to the Maritime Museum in Liverpool, as part of their topic learning and their fantastic finish to the topic of Titanic.

During the visit, the children were able to look at artefacts and explore the Titanic section of the Museum. All children were amazed by the large replica model of the Titanic.  Y6 enjoyed dressing up as crew members, passengers and the captain.
Before lunch the children attended a ‘voyage of discovery’ workshop ran by a member of staff from the museum. During the workshop, the children learnt  many fascinating tales, stories and superstitions about the Titanic. At the end of the workshop, we walked along an old cobbled street, towards the boarding dock for a ship. Where the children were able to experience boarding the 3rd class quarters of the Titanic. All children were shocked by the conditions of the 3rd class quarters and couldn’t believe how many people would sleep on one bunk bed, they decided that they would like to be 1st class passengers if they were to have gone on the Titanic.

After lunch, the children had an opportunity to explore other displays in the museum.
All children displayed excellent manners and behaviour, they received compliments from staff at the museum for their politeness. They represented the school well, it was a delight to take them to Liverpool. We all had a fantastic trip!