This week in Stiperstones 📚

This week the children have been very working hard, producing some excellent work.

They’ve been working hard in maths, focusing on their place value, rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000 and 10,000. The children have also been busy making numbers up to 1 million and comparing them.

In English, we stated our new unit of work, which is a narrative about a monkey in space. The children have really enjoyed writing character descriptions of the monkey. Some excellent writing has been produced. I’ve been very impressed.

I’ve also been impressed with how engaged the children have been with our topic, they had great fun producing detailed posters about space.

On Tuesday, there was an incident on the school field. An object resembling a space rocket, had crashed. 🚀

The children had great fun examining the crash site. We took pictures of the rocket and used them in our art lesson. The children were asked to produce detailed sketches. We have some very talented artists in Stiperstones.

Our star of the week last week, for making an excellent start to Holy Trinity was Mia Sorour.
Our star of the week this week, for adapting a fantastic attitude towards her learning and making an excellent start in Y6- is Ella Comley.

Well done girls- keep up the fantastic work.

This week all children were given their log in details for, Mathletics, Read Theory, Times Table Rockstars and accelerated reader. It would be fantastic if the children could access these websites at home.

It has been another busy, productive and fun week in Stiperstones. I’m looking forward to achieving the same next week.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend.

Miss Scoltock