Tuesday 19th January 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Our Literacy work is continuing with the story ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers.

Here is the story read by Miss Wright for you to watch again:


Today we are going to carry on from the work we did yesterday about emotions. These are the pictures from the story that we will be talking about:

What We'll Build - Oliver Jeffers - Black Bough | Ludlow

What We'll Build by Oliver Jeffers (HarperCollins)


For a while now things have been very different; some of you are coming to school and some of you are staying at home. This means that you don’t get to see some of your friends or the teachers in school and you probably miss them like I miss seeing all of you in school. Lots of you may not have seen your family for a long time. Some of you may not have been able to visit the places where you like to go, like the Fun House or Park Hall Farm. Sometimes this makes us feel a little sad. Many of you will be happy that you are able to stay at home with your family and do lots of fun things in your house.

Today I would like you to talk to your grown up at home about someone or something that you miss; it might be your friend, your nanny, your teacher or something else. I would like you to talk about why you like them, how they make you feel and the kinds of things you like to do together. Then I would like you to find some photographs or draw some pictures of you together and make a little book about it. You can share what you’ve done either by taking a photograph or your grown up can record you and send it to me on the class email or Dojo.


Here are some Phonics games you can play:

This one is about blending:


Phonic Pop helps with sound recognition
