Tuesday’s home learning.

Take time to talk to your children, answer any questions they have and spend time as a family. Showing support and love at this time is vital and what children need. Spend time reassuring them.

9am  Joe Wicks PE – google, you tube, joe wicks you tube page.

Read a book together, spend time discussing your book, characters, plots, settings.

Maths- if you have access to a computer and the internet: Purple Mash, multiplication test. Spend 10/15 mins to keep up your quick recall. If you want to email your best score this would be great to see.

Craft activity –  if you have coloured pens, felt tips, paints or anything else to create rainbow colours. Task is to draw and colour a rainbow to display in your window. This is an ongoing task around the country to find and count the rainbows if you go for a walk. If not then other people will see your rainbow, feel free to send me your images so I can make a collage to put on our class page.

Writing- write a poem to go with your rainbow, this can be a free verse poem, acrostic poem or any peon we have previously studied.


Don,t feel you have to complete them all tomorrow.

keep safe x