Tuesday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


I hope you enjoyed the jumping activities yesterday.


Today we are going to start the day with singing and learning the Makaton signs for ‘3 little monkeys jumping on the bed’:





Now you have learned the song I would like you to make some monkey masks; one for each member of your family. There is a template below for you to use or you can draw and colour in your own monkey.

Monkey mask template

When you have made the masks I would like your child to act out the song using as the number of monkey masks they have made. Can they take one away each time a monkey falls off the bed?





Now I would like you and your child to play lily pad syllables. You need to make up to four lily pad shapes using green card or paper. Write numbers 1-4 on each lily pad. Your child stands behind the first lily pad. Hold up a picture card (I have included some at the end of this post), and and your child jumps once for each syllable. For example show them a picture of a banana. They say ‘ba-na-na’  and look down to see what number they are standing on. That’s how many syllables the word has. 





As it is going to be a rainy day today I would like your child to try Puddle Vaulting. All they have to do is instead of jumping in the puddle they have to jump over each puddle, making sure not to make a splash. Pretend there are sharks, crocodiles etc in the puddles to add extra fun. Whatever you do, don’t get wet! Can your child jump over the puddle? Perhaps go for a walk and find different sized puddles for them to jump over. Enjoy the puddles!


Have a lovely day everyone!