Welcome to Ercall 🌟


Good morning and welcome to Ercall class. Ercall class consists of myself, Miss Hutson who is the class teacher and and Mrs Lewis the class TA.

What a wonder start to the school year and day we had yesterday. In the morning, the children took time getting to know each other and the staff, then spent the afternoon team building and working in groups.

Over the next two weeks, we will be updating our class time tables and routines and will keep you up to date with our topics, PE days, reading sessions, spellings and other home work tasks. Our first PE session is outdoors Tuesday, so please send your child with the correct PE kit in their bag.

So a little bit about myself; I have worked at Holy Trinity since 2011 (10 years) as a class teacher in KS2 so have a wealth of experience in all all areas of the curriculum. I very dedicated to learning and building positive relationships with the children and parents. As well as a class teacher, I am also RE and and PSHE lead. I have 2 young boys 7 and 2 ( one who is actually in Caradoc). We spend most our weekends out and about walking, bike riding and enjoy trips to the beach.

If you need to contact me, I am always available through Dojo and her to help. I look forward to meeting you all.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend. 😃


See below for the pictures of our spaghetti and marshmallow towers and cheerio and spaghetti balancing.