What’s Your Happy News?

Make sure to keep visiting BBC Bitesize and their fantastic home learning curriculum. This is a great resource that can keep you busy learning and having fun at the same time!

Click here to visit the year 3 curriculum and see the activities for today!

The Happy Newspaper was started by Emily Coxhead and only focuses on the positive things happening in our world right now.

This week I’d like you to write your own newspaper article about something positive happening right now in the world! It can be something personal to you like learning to ride a bike or a bigger story like that of Captain Tom Moore who walked 100 laps of his garden at the age of 99 and raised an incredible £9 million pounds.

It can be anything thats postivie and happy thats happening right now in the world!

Make sure to include a catch headline and some pictures!

Below is a template you might want to use for your newspaper or you can create your own. I have also set a blank newspaper article on Purple Mash for you!