Whole School Collective Worship – Perseverance.


Whole school Collective Worship – Perseverance

Good morning, so it is our fourth and final instalment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home or in class.

This week the focus is Perseverance.


As we develop this week’s value of ‘perseverance’ as a school community, we will consider the following:

  • How are we encouraged and given skills to persevere through difficult times?
  • How does our learning and teaching encourage and motivate children and adults alike?
  • Do we all understand that hard work and perseverance in all aspects of our lives is worth the effort?

A Christian Perspective on Perseverance:

Jesus frequently encouraged his disciples to “endure patiently” the difficulties and obstacles they encountered and to persevere in the face of adversity. He himself trusted in God even when his enemies tried to stop his work and plotted his death.

Please click the link for information and a worksheet on Perserverence – perseverance

Please have a go at the Growtrh Mindset learning zone and see what pushes you to  out of your comfort zone.  This activity is fort you to discuss where you feel comfortable with an activity and where  you push yourself, never give  up, persevere to achieve what you want. Comfort zone 

E.G I feel comfortable writing sentences with capital letters and full stops I am in my danger zone when asked to write sentences with expanded noun phrases .

E.G I am in my comfort zone when kicking a ball, I am in the danger zone when asked to go in goal.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bt5VYWoIL6Y1dYqUnTehkR_ArDKX3aLt/view please click the link. Within the video we focus on the ‘The Parable of the Lost Sheep’  which appears in Luke 15: 3-7


I have included two songs for you to listen to the lyrics focusing on never giving up: –


Inspirational people who never gave up!

Walt Disney – Disney was turned down 302 times before he got his dream of creating “the happiest place on Earth”, better known today as Disneyland.

Michael Jordan –  Jordan is widely considered to be the greatest basketball player of all time, however he was cut from his high school varsity basketball team during his sophomore year. That only inspired him to work harder.

In his words: “I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s precisely why I succeed.”



 Let us pray :-

Lord Jesus,

When I feel worried about facing a new challenge, help me to persevere. When the going gets tough, help me to persevere.  when I feel like giving up, help me to persevere.
