Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief (Genesis 1-2 – Creation / Earth Day).

Every Wednesday in class, the children will take part in a collective worship which will be teacher led. We will be posting the PowerPoint for you to join in at home if you wish.

The Christian values for this half term are: Faith and Belief. Each week the teacher led collective worship will focus on the Christian Values, with a story from the bible and a link to the wider world. We encourage all children to take part  in the discussions and come together to sing, listen to stories from the bible, pray and reflect.

The first collective worship is by Miss Hutson which has a focus on Genesis 1-2-  Creation and the faith and belief that God put in humans to care for the world he created. This also links in with Earth day on the 22nd April 2021.

Please see powerpoint below for the collective worship.

Collective Worship earth day

See below for the creation story Genesis 1-2

Please join in the action song – I’m part of Gods creation:

I have also provided on  the powerpoint a beautiful video linked to Psalm 104 – our wonderful world:

We also have a prayer to end (please click on link to enlarge):