Year 4 Maths an English

Maths –  Subtract fractions from whole numbers and from mixed numbers

Fractions reminder to help visualise .


English –  To understand how to use brackets to add extra information to your writing.

Brackets can be used to add additional information to a sentence.


Extra detail can be added to a sentence using brackets. The extra detail should not change the meaning of the sentence – it should just make the sentence more interesting or informative.

For example:

Albert the alien was in charge of the wrecking ball.

Albert the alien (who had no training) was in charge of the wrecking ball.

If we took away the words in brackets the sentence would still make sense, but it’s more interesting with the added detail.

A happy red alien

The added detail in the brackets should go straight after whatever it is adding information about.

For example:

The footballer (who looked rather tired) shot the ball at the massive net.

  • The extra information is about the footballer.

The footballer shot the ball (which was covered in mud) at the massive net.

  • The extra information is about the ball.
Image of a football