Thursday, 21st January Home Learning

Good morning Wrekin!

Well done everyone on the efforts you are all putting into your home learning.

You will receive your invitation to the daily class Zoom sessions through Class Dojo, I really hope that you can join these meetings as it is an opportunity to talk about your online learning, you can ask any questions and of course we get to see your lovely faces!  If you have any issues accessing Zoom, please do get in touch.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start off our Maths lesson by joining in with our counting in 2s.  Once you have done this, please write down all numbers to 100 counting in 2s, making sure they are all formed correctly and in the right order.

Today, we are going to continue with our unit on Addition and Subtraction, with our focus today being on subtraction, counting back.

To start with, let’s watch the video:

Spr1.3.4 – Subtraction counting back from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now you have participated in the video, please complete the worksheet.

Subtraction counting back

Cheeky Challenge: Complete the true or false question below using the skills you have learnt today.

Remember, you can also access Numbots and TT Rockstars to support your maths learning.

English Home Learning

We are going to start our English lesson by looking at the picture of the dog.  I would like you to list as many as adjectives as possible to describe the dog.  Once you have done your list, please use your adjectives in sentences.

We are going to continue looking at What We’ll Build by Oliver Jeffers.  If you would like to listen to the story again, the link is below:

Today we are going to be exploring building an identity.  An identity is who we are and what makes us us.  Let’s have a look at the slide below:

Concentrating on the above slide, I would like you to discuss the following questions:

  • How does the shed compare to the house they built earlier in the book?
  • What do you think it will be like inside the shed?  Why do you think this?
  • What familiar objects can you see outside the shed?

Once you have talked about the questions, please write down your answers in full sentences, using capital letters, full stops, phonics and neat handwriting.

Now, I would like you to create your own shed and draw the items you would keep inside.  These will be the things that mean the most to you.  Once you have drawn this, please write an explanation on why these items mean so much to you.

Cheeky Challenge:  What one item from school would you want to keep in your shed and why?

Please complete your daily reading, remembering you can all access Bug Club.  Please also practice your daily spellings.

Design Technology / Science Home Learning

Continuing our work on Noah’s Ark, today you are going to see if your boat sinks or floats.  We completed this activity with Mr Hughes last week using different materials.  You could watch this video again:

Gather your equipment, but remember to make sure you have permission before using anything.  You need a bowl or bucket of water and your boat.

Now, you are going to see if your boat floats.  Observe and record:

  • Is your boat floating, why?
  • Is your boat sinking, why?
  • Does your boat move around easily?

Take some photos to share with me.

Now, we are going to evaluate our work from the last three days.  Evaluating is an important part of design technology because it helps us look at what worked well and what can be improved.  So please write sentences to explain:

  • What worked well?
  • What did not work well?
  • What did you find easy?
  • What did you find difficult?
  • What would you change next time?
  • How could you make your boat even better?

Remember to share your work, if you have any questions, do get in touch.  Have a good day and stay safe.