Wrekin Home Learning Tuesday March 2nd

Good morning! I hope that you all enjoyed the home learning tasks you were set yesterday. I hope that you will be ready to talk about your work during our daily Zoom session.

Your invite will be sent out on Class Dojo as usual.

Did you join in with a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone? Let us know how you got on.

Make sure that you join in with your daily Phonics session. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper.

Don’t forget to log on to Bug Club to access you reading book and complete the activities. You may want to visit our virtual library on the school website to listen to a story aswell!


We will be using the ideas you collected yesterday to make a story mountain plan.

Which animal did you choose?

Look at the Power Point presentation below to support you:

Tues Eng

You may want to use the story mountain template or create your own! Don’t forget to send a photograph of your plan.

Finally, don’t forget to record a short video to tell us about your favourite book ready for World Book Day on Thursday.



Tuesday Egyptian lesson (2)

Our History this week is linked to our Bible Story Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat. You may want to look at the presentation with who ever looks after you then you can design your own hieroglyphics.